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Members Public

It's Palm Sunday... let's savor the sun while we have it

Megan Preston Meyer
Megan Preston Meyer
Guac and Grace 🥑

Guac and Grace 🥑
Members Public

Forgive me for sounding like an *actual* sandwich board

Megan Preston Meyer
Megan Preston Meyer
Adventum hymnis et grave metalli

Adventum hymnis et grave metalli
Members Public

Because what's more epic than Advent?

Megan Preston Meyer
Megan Preston Meyer
Audiences Have Agency

Audiences Have Agency
Members Public

Know your audience, but don't coddle them

Megan Preston Meyer
Megan Preston Meyer
Communication Tips
Back-to-School Special

Back-to-School Special
Members Public

Two things I did recently that sort of relate to the topic

Megan Preston Meyer
Megan Preston Meyer
Lessons Learned from the 1700 Books in my Basement

Lessons Learned from the 1700 Books in my Basement
Members Public

Adventures in overly optimistic self-publishing

Megan Preston Meyer
Megan Preston Meyer
Don't Use Italics

Don't Use Italics
Members Public

Let your readers live their life

Megan Preston Meyer
Megan Preston Meyer
Communication Tips

Members Public

(v) to bring up, to reveal, to bring to someone's attention

Megan Preston Meyer
Megan Preston Meyer
Jargon of the Day