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The Lamb of... Something

The Lamb of... Something
Members Public

Holy Saturday baking adventures

Megan Preston Meyer
Megan Preston Meyer
Snickers and Broiled Fish

Snickers and Broiled Fish
Members Public

Calling God out for being cranky

Megan Preston Meyer
Megan Preston Meyer
An Unfamiliar Emptiness

An Unfamiliar Emptiness
Members Public

On fasting, fatness, and figs

Megan Preston Meyer
Megan Preston Meyer
First, Last, Camels, Gates

First, Last, Camels, Gates
Members Public

The first will be last and the last will be first... should I be worried?

Megan Preston Meyer
Megan Preston Meyer
Heaven & Earth & Youth Group on Zoom

Heaven & Earth & Youth Group on Zoom
Members Public

Christianity is weird... I always forget that

Megan Preston Meyer
Megan Preston Meyer
A Stiff-Necked People

A Stiff-Necked People
Members Public

God is exasperated.

Megan Preston Meyer
Megan Preston Meyer
Citizenship in the Land of Happy Little Trees

Citizenship in the Land of Happy Little Trees
Members Public

Why do we define ourselves by our tribe?

Megan Preston Meyer
Megan Preston Meyer
Expected and Un-

Expected and Un-
Members Public

Can we all agree to stop saying “Expect the Unexpected”? It’s dumb.

Megan Preston Meyer
Megan Preston Meyer