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Megan Preston Meyer

Megan Preston Meyer

Points of Parity

Points of Parity
Members Public

(n): basics, fundamentals, table stakes

Megan Preston Meyer
Megan Preston Meyer
Jargon of the Day
Push Play

Push Play
Members Public

(v): to begin, to start, to initiate

Megan Preston Meyer
Megan Preston Meyer
Jargon of the Day
Why do people call instead of emailing?

Why do people call instead of emailing?
Members Public

Logic: Because the conversation is more likely to go well

Megan Preston Meyer
Megan Preston Meyer
Quick Chat

Quick Chat
Members Public

(n): meeting, conversation, discussion; can range from five minutes to an hour, covering a wide range of issues

Megan Preston Meyer
Megan Preston Meyer
Jargon of the Day
Always Be Peaking

Always Be Peaking
Members Public

That mountain ain't gonna climb itself

Megan Preston Meyer
Megan Preston Meyer
Mandatory Motivation

Members Public

(v): to put on hold; to postpone, often indefinitely

Megan Preston Meyer
Megan Preston Meyer
Jargon of the Day

Members Public

(v): to completely cover, especially when a more targeted approach may be possible

Megan Preston Meyer
Megan Preston Meyer
Jargon of the Day
Why do people burn bridges?

Why do people burn bridges?
Members Public

Spoiler: I have no idea

Megan Preston Meyer
Megan Preston Meyer