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Megan Preston Meyer

Megan Preston Meyer


Members Public

(v): to understand, to comprehend, to 'own'

Megan Preston Meyer
Megan Preston Meyer
Jargon of the Day
Be the Hare

Be the Hare
Members Public

No hurry, no pause? Maybe later.

Megan Preston Meyer
Megan Preston Meyer
Mandatory Motivation

Members Public

(n): major point of interaction between consumer and brand; pronounced 'kay-mott'

Megan Preston Meyer
Megan Preston Meyer
Jargon of the Day

Members Public

(v): to delve further into; to go into more detail

Megan Preston Meyer
Megan Preston Meyer
Jargon of the Day
Teeshirt Sizing

Teeshirt Sizing
Members Public

(n): a method of categorizing projects or tasks by time, resources, or effort required

Megan Preston Meyer
Megan Preston Meyer
Jargon of the Day